Building relationships through prenatal visits to support you in birthing with confidence.
Here's how NBC can support you:

Birthworkers support their clients by providing 5 core elements of support:
Emotional Support
Partner Support
Spiritual Support
Advocacy & Informational Support
Physical Support (through non-medical comfort measures)
Your birthworkers goal during prenatal visits is to build a relationship with you and for you to feel heard and validated, as well as empowered with knowledge so that you can birth in confidence.
These visits are an exploration of comfort measures to achieve that goal, as well as an opportunity to share information about medical options and interventions. They allow you the space to explore fears, worries or concerns that come up about labour and birth. Your birthworker can also help you create a list of birth preferences (a birth plan) that is right for you.
Birthworkers provide highly individualized care to meet the needs of their clients, so visits will look different from person to person. Additionally, each birthworker is unique and will bring a different set of skills to each visit. Visits usually last 1-2 hours.

Our services are free for Black, Indigenous and People of the Global Majority, members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, those impacted by the evacuation policy and low income people and families.
A sliding scale is available for anyone else. Please see our Green Bottle Sliding Scale Guide to see which bottle fits your financial capacities best.

Bottle 1 - $100/visit

Bottle 3 - $60/visit

Bottle 2 - $80/visit

Bottle 4 - $40/visit

Use the link below to be directed to our booking support form. Kindly check off "prenatal support" in the form so we know what offering you are interested in booking.